Kelly & Vannessa's Baby!

We found out on August 8th that we are expecting a baby! We are very excited and will keep you all posted during the next 9 months or so- our due date is April 17th, 2007. We're very excited to share this very special and amazing time with each of you!!!

Location: Celebration, Florida, United States

Saturday, December 22, 2007

8 Months!

Olivia is now 8 months old, has two bottom teeth, says 3 distinct words (and many indescribable sounds). This is a picture of her on her first slide with mommy at the park- she LOVED IT!!!! (Pic is not the best quality- taken on a picture phone, but didn't want to miss the moment).

She crawls everywhere, stands up to hold on to everything else, and nowhere in the house is safe with her curiosity!!!